Scope of work:
Swap positions of kitchen and bathroom. New rooms from scratch.
Add separate laundry room
Replace back wall of house to tidy up previous alterations, add back door
New strip drains
New concrete path and fencing
New loft access hatch, doubleglazed
Add audio visual system, including outdoor speakers
Futureproof by adding cabling to light the garden at a later date
Insulation wherever possible
Bespoke bookcase (Joey design. Yet to be started)
Bespoke vanity (Joey design)
New doubleglazed sash windows and doors to deck
Steal space from master bedroom alcove to add shower to existing toilet room
Reconfigure and fit out wardrobe
Matai floors sanded and polished, new grilles
New roof valley
Add lighting to stairwell
Add power points and USBs
Tidy up poor decisions from the past - hide lighting and socket channels within walls
Replace ancient wiring
Remove old zinc water tanks from the loft space
New power board to replace board with asbestos
Painting throughout
Replace rotten piling
Bracing for seismic strength
Shotcreting (yet to be started), to prevent erosion of a rock wall at the back of the house, and to disguise an ugly brick terrace wall in the garden